Keep in Touch (April 2023 No.194)




Keep in Touch四十五周年




行家小檔案 — 熱血女子

護眼有法 — 適應疫後新常態

Informal Meeting with GEGA

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Keep in Touch四十五周年

Keep in Touch面世45年了!這份通訊在1978年刊行,是專為行政主任職系而設的刊物。相信不同年代入職的同事對Keep in Touch都會有一定的感情,也會有興趣了解多一些關於這份通訊的資料。

今年適逢Keep in Touch四十五周年,編輯委員會(編委會)特別邀請了三位同事與大家細談對這份通訊的感受和期望。他們分別在領導Keep in Touch的改革、鞏固Keep in Touch的基礎,以及承傳Keep in Touch的價值上擔當重要角色。他們蘊含智慧和祝福的分享,絕對是最佳的周年紀念賀禮!

Keep in Touch四十五周年專訪

Interview with Mr PY Choy -
Pioneering Facilitator of Keep in Touch

Young EO Grade members may not know that Keep in Touch (“K.I.T.”) was generally printed with black ink on stencil paper (油印紙) before August 1997. It was more like a circular which covered mainly news on staff changes, promotion, recruitment and training, etc. with occasional contribution of articles from Grade members. The 141 Issue published in August 1997 was the first issue printed in magazine style with four-colour printing. In addition to the new outlook, the content was also vastly enriched. Comparing with the previous issues, the 141 Issue had a wide coverage of topics relating to the EO Grade, which included a thematic article on the work of EOs in the historical 1997 Handover Ceremony and articles on the opening of the Lantau Link, wider use of information technology in government, etc. The corner "行家小檔案" was also first published and articles written in Chinese were introduced.

Mr Choy Ping-yin, the then SPEO(G) who retired from the civil service in 2000, spearheaded this revolutionary revamp of the K.I.T. As he shared with us, which we all couldn’t agree more, EOs have pivotal roles in resource and system management in bureaux and departments with a view to meeting the organisational objectives in a most efficient and effective manner. It is of paramount importance for EOs to constantly enrich their professional knowledge and strengthen their versatility. In view of this mission, the revamp aimed to strengthen the sharing of work knowledge and experience among fellow EOs, to keep Grade members abreast of the major organisational or functional changes in bureaux and departments, and ultimately to enhance communication and develop a sense of belonging to the Grade among EOs.

As recalled by Mr Choy, the planning and preparatory work for the revamp was undertaken by a few EOs at the onset. An official Editorial Board comprising EOs from different ranks as well as bureaux and departments was then formed in February 1997, working towards publishing the new 141 Issue with modernised and enriched outlook and content by August 1997. Budget was squeezed for the more expensive printing cost. With the tight schedule and budget, the revamp was challenging but rewarding. Not only did the Grade members welcome the change, the then Secretary for the Civil Service also considered the “new” newsletter both interesting and informative and congratulated the Editorial Board and the EO Grade Management for making it a success.

Mr Choy met with SPEO(G) and Keep in Touch Editorial Board Members

Even after his retirement, Mr Choy remains a dedicated reader of the K.I.T. He always finds the articles interesting, the length and mix of languages appropriate. From reading the K.I.T., he is happy and proud to see the development of the Grade with growing diversity of responsibilities and the impressive strength and professionalism demonstrated by Grade members.

Keep in Touch「健筆」 - 林暉專訪


林暉先生可說是Keep in Touch的「健筆」,自2001年底加入編委會,過去逾21年來筆耕不輟。經粗略點算,自他加入編委會以來總共出版41期Keep in Touch,其中23期的專題文章都由他主筆或參與撰稿。

在專訪中,林先生憶述他由九十年代初加入政府起已是Keep in Touch讀者,其後獲當時的事業發展經理邀請,因而加入編委會。在擔任編委的歲月中,他撰寫的中文和英文文章涉獵不同範疇,但特別喜愛的題材則為人物專訪和行家小檔案。






展望將來,林先生深信Keep in Touch會繼續發揮連繫行政主任大家庭的重要作用。他又留意到,因應現時二級和一級行政主任佔職系編制約65%,近年有不少年輕一輩的同事加入編委會。他對此感到十分高興,並寄語他們繼續努力,為Keep in Touch注入更多動力、嶄新思維和創意,讓這份通訊保持朝氣活力,而且更上層樓。

Keep in Touch生力軍 - 蔡盈盈分享

一代又一代的行政主任都藉着Keep in Touch連繫起來

我剛從大學畢業時,身邊經常有朋友說希望投考政府行政主任,因而勾起了我對這份工作的好奇,於是便開始在網上搜集關於這個職系的資訊。過程中,我在公務員事務局的網站內首次看到Keep in Touch。這份通訊內容豐富充實,幫助我了解行政主任的工作,令我留下深刻印象。入職後,我成為Keep in Touch的忠實讀者。這份通訊除了提供職系的最新消息外,亦不乏各級行政主任的分享,包括工作點滴、工餘興趣,以至個人的特殊本領。我們即使在不同部門工作,亦能藉着這通訊認識彼此。

事實上,政府內有定期出版通訊刊物的職系不多,行政主任便是其中之一。早於六十年代,行政主任職系便已有印發通訊,其後到1978 年將通訊定名Keep in Touch,內容越來越多元化,也更緊貼本地社會脈搏。舉例說,Keep in Touch每期的專題報道都緊扣社會議題,包括抗疫、資助計劃管理等,深入介紹行政主任在有關範疇的工作。至於生動有趣的「行家小檔案」,則展現同事在工作以外不同凡響的一面。近期的出版更涵蓋了與健康生活有關的小知識,鼓勵同事保持工作與生活之間的平衡。

Keep in Touch盛載了行政主任這個大家庭所發生的點點滴滴,連繫着我們每一人,令我們建立起對職系的歸屬感。現時,我不僅是這刊物的讀者,也是編委會成員。我冀望在未來的日子,推動更多同事參與Keep in Touch,例如增設投稿專欄,讓同事以較為輕鬆的方式分享自己的工作感言。相信大家齊心協力,定能讓這份有悠久歷史的通訊,不斷傳承下去。

Keep in Touch小知識

Keep in Touch的前身是EO Grade Newsletter。該內部通訊於1967年4月起出版,內容近似早期的Keep in Touch,主要包括職系發展事宜,如招聘、晉升、編制等。

第一份以Keep in Touch為名的行政主任通訊於1978年1月出版。初期一般以油印紙形式發行,但亦有例外,例如第132期以彩色印刷,圖文並茂載述1995年1月發布行政主任職系的抱負和使命。

Keep in Touch於1997年進行革新,除了開始以刊物形式印發並提供線上版本,亦以更多篇幅分享同事在不同工作範疇及重要活動的參與和貢獻,並加入一些軟性題材及分享,如行家小檔案、人物專訪等,令內容更多采多姿。例如第143期載述了在1972至1973年期間,曾有約30名行政主任同事獲委派擔任駕駛考試「考牌官」的故事。


筆者自入職行政主任職系以來,在收到每一期Keep in Touch的出版通知時,都會急不及待翻閱該期的內容,生怕錯過了精彩報道,或者職系的「八卦」消息。

因為參與製作今期的四十五周年專題,筆者更翻閱了近年超過50期的Keep in Touch,在過程中得到無窮樂趣,例如偶而在一些培訓交流、晉升或退休的報道中,看到熟悉的同事多年前的舊照,便會想起過往大家共事時的默契,溫暖回憶即湧上心頭。

至於Keep in Touch的專題文章,更是每期的靈魂所在,當中記錄了同事在不少重要項目上的參與,例如早年的香港特別行政區成立典禮、應對嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症(「沙士」)疫情、第29屆北京夏季奧林匹克運動會、四川汶川大地震重建,以至近年非常重要的防控2019冠狀病毒病疫情等。重溫這些文章,不但能對行政主任的工作有更全面的認識,也可細味同事多年來取得的成果。更重要的是,從每期的內容,筆者看到了行政主任同事一直盡心盡力履行責任,遇到困難互相扶持,發揮團隊合作力量,迎難而上完成每項任務。

這數十年來職系的發展和變化、同事的貢獻和成就,Keep in Touch都一一記錄下來。未來,行政主任的工作肯定會面對更多轉變和挑戰,Keep in Touch定會一如既往,翔實記錄職系的點點滴滴,分享同事的工作和成果,讓一代又一代的行政主任藉着這份通訊聯繫起來,並將行政主任的職責和使命繼續傳承。

蕭潔芝 布少芬 崔建希
DGG with Keep in Touch Editorial Board Members

Editorial Board Membership

Tong Kit-man
Ruby Luk
Anna Au
Lilian Po
Lam Fai
David So
Kitty Shiu
Fanice Ying
Julian Cheng
Augusta Chung
Dave Lee
Johnny Fung
Li Chung-kan
Mandy Chan
Sheeta Wong
Simon Ho
Hayden Choi
Bond Yu
Joyce Fan
Nicole Lam
Michelle Chan
Steven Chan
Jacqueline Wong
Jenny Tsoi